የእሺ ኤክስፕረስ መስራች እና ዋና ስራ አስፍፃሚ ፣ የመሪ ፖድካስት ሆስት
Hi! I'm Tigabu. I have a degree in law from Mekelle University but my interest and life work has been always business. After working as a head of the Ethiopian Civil Society Forum I deeply felt the best way to transform Ethiopia and any developing economy is through business not aid. That’s why I left my post and started 3 ventures which failed within a year of starting and now I have been running my 4th venture Eshi Express for the last 5 years. Eshi is helping SMEs boost their sales by providing reliable and affordable delivery services. I have a plan to create multiple ventures that solve the core national problems. I'm passionate about building businesses that can solve key societal problems, employ a lot of people and drive the economy as a result. With that belief I also host the popular business podcast, Meri Podcast which gives me a big opportunity every week to meet and learn from a lot of brilliant entrepreneurs in Ethiopia.