አስደናቂ ግራፊክሶችን ይስሩ፡ የአዶቤ ፎቶሾፕ ኮርስ 2024

የግራፊክስ ዲዛይነር ለመሆን ዝግጁ ነዎት?
  • ደረጃ : ጀማሪ
  • ቋንቋ : አማርኛ
  • Lesson Note : አማርኛ, English
  • ሰዓት : 8:00 h
  • ክፍሎች : 38
  • ተጨማሪ መርጃዎች : 6
  • ፈተና : 9
  • በሞባይል፣ በዴስክቶፕ እና በቲቪ ያገኛሉ
  • የኮሚኒቲው የህይወት ዘመን አባል ይሆናሉ
  • የማጠናቀቂያ የምስክር ወረቀት ያገኛሉ

ስለ ኮርሱ መግለጫ

Did you know that Adobe Photoshop is one of the most powerful and widely used graphic design software in the world? If you're looking to take your graphic design skills to the next level, then this course is perfect for you.

As an experienced graphic designer and CEO of Peace Ab creative, I've had the opportunity to work with various government and private clients on exciting projects. Over the years, I've learned that mastering Adobe Photoshop is essential for creating visually stunning graphics that captivate and engage your audience.

Throughout this course, I'll guide you through the essential tools and techniques needed to create professional-looking designs using Adobe Photoshop. We'll start with the basics, such as navigating the software, understanding file formats, and managing layers. From there, we'll dive into more advanced techniques like photo manipulation, color correction, and typography.

But this course isn't just about technical skills. We'll also cover design theory, such as composition, balance, and color theory, to help you create designs that are both aesthetically pleasing and effective. By the end of the course, you'll have the skills to take on any design project, whether it's for personal or professional use. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now and let's take your graphic design skills to the next level!


  • Access to a computer with Adobe Photoshop software installed
  • Basic computer skills

ይህ ኮርስ ለማን ነው?

  • Beginners who want to learn graphic design from scratch
  • Marketing professionals who want to create high-quality visuals for their social media and advertising campaigns
  • Small business owners who want to create their own marketing materials, such as flyers, brochures, and banners
  • Students who want to improve their graphic design skills for their school projects
  • Photographers who want to learn how to enhance and manipulate their photos using Adobe Photoshop

ምን ይማራሉ

የግራፊክስ ዲዛይነር ለመሆን ዝግጁ ነዎት?
  • ደረጃ : ጀማሪ
  • ቋንቋ : አማርኛ
  • Lesson Note : አማርኛ, English
  • ሰዓት : 8:00 h
  • ክፍሎች : 38
  • ተጨማሪ መርጃዎች : 6
  • ፈተና : 9
  • በሞባይል፣ በዴስክቶፕ እና በቲቪ ያገኛሉ
  • የኮሚኒቲው የህይወት ዘመን አባል ይሆናሉ
  • የማጠናቀቂያ የምስክር ወረቀት ያገኛሉ

ከሙያሎጂ ኮርስ ምን ይጠቀማሉ

በራስ ፍጥነት መማር
Enjoy learning from home without a set schedule and with an easy-to-follow method. You set your own pace
በጥራት የተዘጋጁ ኮርሶችን ማግኘት
We curates its teacher roster and produces every course in-house to ensure a high-quality online learning experience
ከምርጥ ባለሙያዎች መማር
Learn valuable methods and techniques explained by top experts in the creative sector
በፈለጉት ቋንቋ መማር
Get life time access to courses in different languages and subtitles
ከባለሙያ መምህራን ጋር መገናኘት
Each expert teaches what they do best, with clear guidelines, true passion, and professional insight in every lesson
በእያንዳንዱ ኮርስ የማጠናቀቂያ ሰርተፍኬት ማግኘት
Get a custom certificate signed by your teacher for every course, Share it on your portfolio, social media, or wherever you like
የቅርብ ክትትል ማግኘት
Videos of the highest quality, so you don't miss a single detail, With unlimited access, you can watch them as many times as you need to perfect your technique
እውቀትን እና ሀሳቦችን መጋራት
Ask questions, request feedback, or offer solutions, Share your learning experience with other students in the community who are as passionate about creativity as you are